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We use Microlines hair integration system by Hairdreams – And we love it!


What is a Hair Integration System?

Hair Integration is amazing solution for those dealing with thinning hair or patchy hair loss. Many people who still have some of they hair choose hair integration systems instead of wigs or toppers as it is a more permeant option and is all done for you. 

Our systems are non-surgical, pain-free procedures that involve blending your existing hair with a custom made hair system in order to create a full head of fabulous looking hair.

Why choose Morgan's?

Our highly skilled hair loss consultants are trained to create the most natural-looking hair integration systems possible. Clients can chose from a variety of hair types, unit sizes and colours.

Here at Morgan’s we are a gold standard salon for the Ultrastrands hair integration system and on our way to being an educator salon for the Hairdreams Microlines hair integration system. We have tried many different systems over the years and confident we have found the most gentle and natural systems on the market.

We have seen outstanding results from both of our systems. People frequently tell us they have felt transformed and gained they confidence back. It’s important to note that we have working as hair integration specialist for over 5 years and are dedicated to helping our clients feel their best without compromising their scalp and hair health.


What is Microlines Hair Integration?

Microlines is a hair system that gives you an even, natural fullness of hair over your whole head, including the hairline.

The method used for this system is totally unique and goes beyond conventional solutions. The system is integrated into your own hair leaving a completely invisible and permanently fixed system on your scalp.

What are the benefits of Microlines Hair Integration?

The Microlines Systems have several benefits in comparison to the other integration systems on the market:

Unlike most systems, microlines can provide length as well as volume – giving you a fuller look all over 

Uses keratin bonds to connect the system to the hair instead of beads which can be a more comfortable fit

Each system comes with a waranty of up to 10 months and can be worn for up to 2 years

No lifestyle limitations – you can swim or exercise as much as your like!

The systems come in a huge range of colours – all colours are available as special orders

No need to shave your existing hair for installation

Can be styled and worn however the client prefers just as with they natural hair 

*With a wide range of types and colours , Microlines is an optimal solution for almost any situation or style*



The only way to find out if a hair system is for you, is to talk through all your options during a consultation. We will give you an honest and truthful opinion based on our expert knowledge and years of experience.

A few general factor we recommend you to consider are: the overall cost, severity of hair loss, where you’re located and your ability to maintain the system.

Giving an exact cost is difficult as there are several factors that we take into account such as the area we are covering, the density and length, and colouring that may need to be done along what suits your individual needs.

Consultations are £40 and can take place at  either of our salons. If you choose to go ahead with the system following the consultation, this is deducted from your initial payment.

The Microlines systems ‘wearing period’ varies depending on the piece. However the Premium 7-star system can be reused several times and can therefore be worn for two years or longer.

Things to bear in mind...

Lastly, our system is not a cure for hair loss, however will completely disguises areas of hair loss allowing your hair can continue to grow. Our systems require frequent maintenance every six to eight weeks, where we will treat your natural hair and scalp to a complete cleanse and detox to help make sure your scalp and hair is in the very best of health for the system. This also allows us to keep a close eye on the condition of your scalp and hair to ensure the system isn’t causing any damage.

Below you will be able to see some of the amazing work we have done with our many clients. You will be able to see the before and after hair integration results demonstrate just how great we can make you look! 

Over the years we have fitted and removed a wide variety of hair systems. Microlines is the only system we recommend to our clients. We will not fit or maintain mesh integrations.